Yes, this is me on June 9, 1969, according to the handwriting on the back, which looks like my Grandpa Clarence's (Mom's dad). He was obviously there helping to open as usual (and this particular year, rebuild buildings). So when did I make my first appearance at Rock Creek?
Two years earlier, in 1967, when I was just months old. Looks like a proud Papa, huh? And I look as if I'm still trying to figure out where I am. Mom will show me around...
By later that summer, I seem to have settled in...
And by the next year, 1968, I own the place! Look out, here I come...
"I like it here, Daddy!"
In 1971, I am Susie Homemaker, busy with one of my favorite activities, making mud pies.
"Coffee, anyone?"
But wait... now there's someone else hogging the sandbox! One-year-old Kib Jr. interrupts my peace...
and it seems he's decided he likes it here too. (Or is that a scream?)
And this is how it was for the next few years until we were allowed to roam on our own. We spent countless hours in this sandbox and on the slide that dumped into it. And throughout the summer, a stream of other children joined us there. I can almost still taste that wonderful dirt.